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The code that generates the two validation menus is the same script called twice by the code that created this page

OK so AMD Sempron is not exactly cutting edge stuff, but then I am not into gaming (I gave that up after Pacman and Space Invaders) or other graphics intensive stuff. We do however have other desktops with the same Mobo and similar processors that run Windows XP very well, indeed there's even one that runs 64bit XP pro with 2GB RAM hosting two fedora VM's at 384GB each that between them run just about everything a SOHO net work really needs. A bunch of other stuff that a SOHO doesn't really need runs as required on other machines.

One day I will replace this machine with something more powerful, but for now my 'small engine policy' will prevail

Linux Distro Experience

This page does validate because I have created another style sheet for the right hand side menu. The 'id' calls are now none repeating. This means if I want to have change the style I'll have to do the changes in two style sheets, alternatively I could have differing stlyes for the left and right hand menus!


The first exposure I had to proper working Linux machines was fedora (8). Now they often say that you tend to stick with your first experience, an idea that I don't totally subscribe too, I found the KDE desktop rather alien - stuff starting with K all over the place, whilst I was trying to take in what we were supposed to be doing might not have helped.

However once in the piece and quiet of the home, I got a copy of fedora 10 and installed it on a dedicated machine of my own, this distro came with the GNOME desktop, which I felt much happier with.

Having tutorials based on the Fedora distribution to hand meant that I thoroughly learned the basics on the command line and setting up Apache. It wasn't long before I was hooked.

I have a Virtual Machine set up with fedora 10 that I use as a reference point. I got Apache (httpd), FTP (vsftpd), VNC (vncserver), MySQL (mysqld), PHP and Samba (smbd) all working proper. If I get stuck I go and look at this machine.

Fedora releases are meant to be cutting edge and not as stable as some of the more mature distros. I have found that they are usually very stable. My fedora 12 physical machine doesn't want to be updated so it is going to be 'retasked' - the motherboard is another socket A job so it is going to be reconfigured as a NAS server for auto (I hope) backups. It will be using FreeNAS. (Update Late November 2010 Fedora 12 now seems to be updated and no longer crashing - guess some one figured it out - well done guys.)

I will maintain at least one fedora 12 VM for a while, I use them for web page development. Having got one working just like I want it it is then real easy to clone it for another project. The trouble is I keep getting kernel crashes, the machines don't seem to care and just carry on, its does bother me why - but not enough to worry about it.

My fedora 13 physical machine is my favourite machine to date (Sept 2010) its a AMD sempron 3000 processor with 1GB RAM on a Gigabyte Motherboard that I got off ebay as a spare workstation for less than £20. I built it into a case with an old harddrive, fedora 13 had just been released..., loverrrrly. When fedora 14 is released I'll find another harddrive and use this machine as a mule. [Update Fedora 14 went into a rebuild / upgrade of an Amahi HDA and the Fedora 13 machine became a CentOS 6.0 Apache PostgreSQL PHP Server]

Fedora 14 is out - downloaded Gnome and xfce varieties and made virtual machines, just for fun.

Update Fedora 14 went into a rebuild / upgrade of an Amahi HDA and the Fedora 13 machine became a CentOS 6.0 Apache PostgreSQL PHP Server

Fedora 15 arrived haven't tried it out - Theres other things to do, plus I seem to have drifted towards CentOS 6.0 lured by the long term support promise, life is to short to be constantly upgrading.